Great Ways to Stand Up to Bullies

Other people have been bullied close to the same way I have. I have been bullied before and I put myself out of the situation.
People can stand up to bullies by staying away from them and to put yourself out of the situation.

One good way to stand up to bullies is by staying away from them. However,staying from bullies is great way to stand up to them,so they don’t get inside your brain and bring you down. For,example if you don’t want to be bullied just keep yourself far away as possible anytime you see them. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.

Another really great way to stay away bullies.
Therefore,putting yourself out of the situation is a great thing to do. For,example you can turn around and walk away from bullies when they are bullying you. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.

So when it comes to standing up to bullies it’s hard,but you can do it as long as you keep truthful thoughts.

“Don’t listen if someone says you aren’t good enough.”

Earth Day


Alive and living animals

Remake stuff  with the  trash and paper

Throwing away trash

Help keep the world clean


Don’t  throw trash  on the ground

A good way to keep the earth clean is to recycle 

You can make new stuff out of  recycled stuff and trash

Child Labor

I learned that child labor was not a good thing .Because  they had very low pay. And they had to work all day. And they got no sleep. If they were 10 or 11 or 12, they would hide you . They would also dock your pay if you were 1 min. late.And I think that child labor is a bad thing because they would dock your pay just because your a little late.


I want to be a senator because you get to reject laws and make laws.

Here are 3 steps on how to become a senator:

Step 1: Learn what a senator does. Find out what a senator has to do before you decide whether you want to become one.

Step 2: Follow the news.Try to follow as much news as you can,especially about political events.

Step 3: Form your political views.You probably already have opinions on certain issues,but try to investigate the  details.   The senator divides its tasks among 20 standing committees.

A senator is a person who works in the government,in the United states senators are elected by voters.